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    Tuesday, October 02, 2007

    Towing Company Owner Speaks Out

    In the interest of fairness,here is a different perspective on the Joiner situation:

    The Gainesville Sun is reporting that the owner of the towing company property said he left the gate open when he left Watson's Towing at 3 a.m. and doesn't understand why police arrested Gator strong safety Tony Joiner.

    He indicated that he is going to urge the State Attorney's Office to drop the charges. According to the owner,Joiner had made arrangements to pay the towing bill and pick up the car Tuesday morning, but that Joiner showed up later than expected and the Watson's Towing employee on duty at the time was not in the office.

    The owner said, "I'm a Gator fan, but I'm also a right and wrong fan, too. What the kid did is wrong, but does it warrant a second-degree felony charge? Not even close."

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